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Poskytovanie misií

V kostole svätého Lukáša,  Dávanie misií je veľmi dôležitou súčasťou našej práce. Sme hrdí na to, že sa pravidelne spájame s nasledujúcimi charitatívnymi organizáciami a tiež s mnohými ďalšími!

The Letter: Laudato Si Film

Over 8 million people have already seen the feature documentary 'The Letter', produced by Oscar-winning 'Off the Fence Productions' in collaboration with Laudato Si’ Movement and the Vatican. The film brings to life the transformative vision of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical letter on the environment, to inspire lasting action for our common home. It features the Pope and diverse stories from India, Senegal, Hawaii, and the Brazilian Amazon. The film follows these people coming together in dialogue with each other and with the Pope as they find unity in their distinct worldviews and strength in our common values. By watching and sharing this film, we can invite people into action for our common home.


S. Luke's je anglo-katolícka cirkev v Jersey, Normanské ostrovy. Sme cirkev priateľská k rodine a vítame každého.  

Zásady ochrany osobných údajov  


Kostol sv. Lukáša

La Route du Fort

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